Wednesday 26 October 2011

How to earn money for games

Probably, there is no Internet user who never would play in computer games. Now, in connection with rapid development and distribution of the Internet to game online plays a large quantity of people, and they are ready to spend the present money for virtual game currency-tool, regimentals, immortality and t d. Some people for days on end sit in online games and simply live there. Their big quantity spend for this employment on some hundreds dollars
Some, especially hazardous and provided, spend for games on thousand dollars Means it is possible to earn the big money for games. There is an interesting question who manages this money? To developers of game? No, these means go to the income to managers of servers on whom actually and there are all these entertainments. In other words the tool and other game currency is bought from administrators of the server for the present money. Now at us already many such servers, demand for such services grows, and having created the same server it is possible to receive quite good enough money.
So with what to begin, how it is possible to earn on games?
Let's disassemble necessary investments in this business. First of all advanced enough personal computer, actually the server is necessary. Such computer can be bought in limits from 100 to 150 tyshch roubles.

Games-money. The following that is necessary for earning on games is a quite good channel for access to a worldnet, we take, for example, the channel on 150 Mb second, such channel on to begin with will descend. Certainly then, when there will be many visitors, it will be necessary to think a question of installation of the special equipment. The price of installation of the equipment and a lining optiko fibres will manage approximately in 50 - 100 tyshch. Roubles. Certainly technically to establish such channel it is possible not everywhere, but in a city about the population more than one million person, suppliers, such channels necessarily will be. Means, initial investments will manage to you   approximately in 150 - 250 tyshch. Roubles.
To receive the big return from your game server, it is necessary to untwist properly the resource and to achieve attendance high level. For this purpose it is necessary to think up the individuality that it favourably differed from competitors. The main task it to make your game fascinating and grasping.
For example, if game not the Russian manufacture, it is necessary to translate it on our language. Here it is necessary to give vent to imagination, and to think up for your server that is not present at the others, and players will come to you. And if game has turned out interesting every day visitors should become more and more and accordingly and earnings too.
If all of you still doubt profitableness of it the business Internet, I advise to you to look at sales volumes of game currency on a site, huge money there turns, and this currency is on sale for short term. For example for 9 days was it is sold game currency only at one seller over one million dollars
For the first 3-6 months your expenses will pay off, and your game portal will start to give good return. And your earnings will grow only, after raskruchivaniem servers.
In Moscow at present, for example, there is a game server on which its founders earn more than 50 000$ in a month. Is above than reflect.
Therefore, in the presence of small seed capital and desire to begin the business it is necessary to try.
Now you know - how to earn money for games, can start to gain on it money, actually from air.

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