Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The basic directions of Internet investment activity

Abbreviation HYIP hides under itself different programs with which help it is possible to do investments on the Internet. As a rule, it is the programs, allowing to enclose the small sum of money (it is less than 10 dollars) and thus promising the percent many times over exceeding the interest rate of the bank contribution. Usually financial operations at work with investment programs pass through limits of trust of the payment system Webmoney, however the given system does not allow to work with investments. Therefore at the further use Webmoney as payment system for work with investment programs, you risk to lose all means as the system will simply block them. There are cases when it is authorised to translate means from WebMoney purse on the bank account, however the data of both accounts should coincide completely. The slightest error is admitted – money is lost. What payment systems to use, that investments on the Internet brought in the income and did not cause troubles?

Let's begin the review from the most popular type of investment – HYIP with accumulation of means of the investor on the account of the investment project. To invest on the Internet in the similar project, it is the most expedient to use for this purpose so-called "anonymous" payment systems. Their distinguishers are a finding in the offshore and the loyal relation to any investment funds. To be registered in such system, it is not necessary to inform the data. Investments into such projects concern a category of the most risky as the information on fund seldom gets to its investors. As a rule, they scroll money for Forex, it, actually, and everything that about them is known. If it is good to try, it is possible to find the similar projects promising good percent, but thus giving statistical data and other helpful information on. Owning such data, you will increase the chances of successful investments on the Internet, at least twice. Therefore it is better to waste time on information collection about the project, than to spend the money without advantage for business.
The second type, allowing to put up money on the Internet are the projects working on limits of trust of system Webmoney. As already it was told above, this system does not allow to put means for the purpose of reception of percent as this activity is considered in Russia illegal. However it is possible to work and bypassing system. For this purpose there is the certain service, allowing to give and borrow money under percent. It is called a trust limit. After trust limits few projects work. It is caused by that here it is impossible to provide to itself anonymity in work. At any moment system Webmoney to prick up the ears concerning the user who has recently opened the purse, but thus quickly increasing the capitals. It is necessary to receive at least the certificate of the seller of system, but for this purpose it is necessary to give the personal data. Not to receive the certificate – means voluntary to doom itself to problems. For this reason on trust limits exchangers or the offices lending money under percent work basically. The income gives similar type of investment smaller (100-140 % annual), than previous, however here it is not terrible to manipulate great sums. Working in the given kind of investment, it is necessary to check those users to whom you give a trust limit as swindle and in this sphere is rather developed.

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